How you can help
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There are many ways you can help:
1. Tell your friends and family members about this website.
2. Suggest additions, corrections or clarifications (show us where things are not clear).
3. Submit material. But first read below.
4. See our donations page.
Note: This site is not set up to answer individual questions about genealogy. That is best done on the various Croatian Forums which can be found on our links page.
In general, we are trying to provide information that is not found elsewhere. If it's found elsewhere, we'll just point to it with a link. For example, there are several good Croatian genealogy forums that allow people to ask and answer basic questions. So no use reinventing that wheel. However, there seem to be very few websites that explain how to read old church documents, so we'll do our best in that regard.
Topics we're concentrating on at the moment are:
- Tips on finding the home village.
- Tips on finding the church that serves the home village.
- Tips on finding and reading the church documents.
We are looking for examples and suggestions to illustrate the above topics or other topics that are helpful to people researching Croatian family history.
Success stories would be of great use to some poor soul who is just beginning the adventure of finding her Croatian roots. Here are some examples. Send us yours.
Other topics:
Travel tips, finding translators, explaining customs, recommending restaurants, places to see, things to do, etc. If it hasn't been covered, and if it's of interest to the average person, we'll try to cover it.
Submitting material:
Read our Policy at the bottom of this page.
Then e-mail us. Explain who you are, your area of interest, and the material you would like to submit. We will respond within a few days.
Policy. The acceptance policy for material on this website is:
- Must be of interest to family historians or travelers in Croatia.
- Not found elsewhere on the web.
- Not of a controversial nature.
- No politics.
- Must be written (or intended) from a helpful point of view.
- No copyrighted material (unless you hold the copyright).
- Query the editor first. Don't send things unannounced.
- Subject to editing but with the contributor's approval.
- Contributor will get full credit unless he/she instructs otherwise.
- At this point we are not paying for material.
- Decision of editor is final.