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Matic"ne Knjige: headings

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For an example of a hand-written entry in Matic"ne Knjige, click here.
This page has the headings only.

English translation of the printed headings
Across the top of each page of these books are pre-printed headings written in Italian, Croatian, or both. There were several styles for these books, variously used at different times and in different locations, but each contained the same basic information. Below are examples taken from Gruda R-6 (1872-1886) DAD. Gruda is a town in Konavle, a region southeast of Dubrovnik. R-6 means it's the 6th Rodjenih (birth) book. DAD are the initials for the Dubrovnik State Archives where the book resides.

Shown below in 2 separate images are the top of the left-hand page and the top of the right-hand page. The record goes across from one page to the other. Scroll down to see the right-hand page.

Left side:

Below is a translation of the headings in the above image. Italian is in green; Croatian is in blue and also in parentheses. Brackets [] contain author's comments or clarifications.

della Parrocchia di Grudda = church district [parish] of Gruda

(Z"upe) = church district [parish]

ATTI DI (NASCITA) = Documents of (births) [NASCITA is at the top of the right-hand page]

(MATICA) [KRS"TENIH] = Registry (of those baptized) [KRS"TENIH is at the top of the right-hand page]

del Comune di Ragusa(vecchia) = of the commune of Cavtat ["vecchia" is off the page to the right and not visible; Ragusavecchia is the old Italian name for Cavtat]

(Opc'ine) = district

Numero (Broj) = number

Data della nascita e della presentazione al Battesimo del Neonato (Dan Porodjenja i prikazanje novorodjena) = Date of birth and baptism of the newborn


Sesso o Nome (Spol i ime) = Sex and name

Maschi (Mus"ki) = Male

Femmine (Z"enske) = Female

Stato della Persona (Stanje C"eljadeta) = Status of the person

Legittimo (Zakonito) = legitimate

Illegittimo (Nezakonito) = illegitimate

INDICAZIONE (POKAZIVANJE) = Facts, particulars, data

Nome, Cognome e Domicilio del Padre (Ime, Prizime i Pribivanje Otca) = Name, surname and place of residence of father.

Nome, Cognome e Domicilio della Madre (Ime, Prizime i Pribivanje Matere) = Name, surname and place of residence of mother.

Right side:

Below is a translation of the headings in the above image. Italian is in green; Croatian is in blue and also in parentheses.

NASCITA = Births [this is a continuation of ATTI DI from the left-hand page]

(KRS"TENIH) = of those baptized [this is a continuation of MATICA from the left-hand page]

Distretto di Ragusavecchia = District of Cavtat [Ragusavecchia is the old Italian name for Cavtat]

(Kotara) = District

Circolo di Ragusa = Province of Dubrovnik [Ragusa = Dubrovnik]

(Okruz"ja) = Province

DEI GENITORI (RODITELJA) = of the parents

Se conjughi data del matrimonio e Parrochia in cui fu delebrato (Ako su vienc"ani, can vienc"anja i Z"upa u kojoj su bili sadruz"eni) = If they were married, date of the marriage and the district they were married in

Religione e condizione d' entrambi (Vjerozakon i stalez" obodvojice) = Religion and class of both

Nome, Cognome, Domicilio e Condizione dei Padrini, Testimonii (Ime, Prizime, Pribivanje i stalez" Kumova, Svjedoka) = Name, surname, residence and class of godparents, witnesses

Padrini (Kumovi) = godparents

Testimonii (Svjedoci) = witnesses

Annotazioni (Opazke) = notes, comments