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Index of photo collections on this website.

Old photos of unidentified people are always so sad to me. These people did not go to the effort and expense of having their picture taken to just be forgotten. And yet that's exactly the fate of some -- completely forgotten.

I have been scanning old photos of Croatian immigrants for several years now and always insist on copying the "unidentified" photos in peoples' collections. It's suprising how often I will run into the exact same photo somewhere else. These people knew each other back then and would send photos around like Christmas cards. If I'm lucky, one of the subsequent photos will have the names written on the back or perhaps one of the owners will know who is in the photo. In this way I have been able to identify a surprising number of these "lost" people.

But I would also like your help. If you recognize any of the people in these photos, please contact this website. Guesses are okay as long as you explain that they are guesses.


Collection 1. This batch is mostly from the Skocko family of Watsonville, California. Their family is from Konavle, the very southern tip of Croatia, and has been in California since the late 1870s, first in Jackson and then in Watsonville since 1900. Most of the people in this group will probably be from near Dubrovnik, though there may be some exceptions. At least they all had some type of connection to the Skocko family over the years. Most of these photos are pre-1920.

Collection 2.
These photos of unknown Croatians were collected from various Croatian families in Watsonville, Calif., from 2002 to 2004. Watsonville was the home of many Croatian immigrants, mostly from the area around Dubrovnik.