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Old photos

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These are old photos (pre-WWI) of people born in what is now Croatia (Austria at the time). Some emigrated, some did not.

The purpose of this gallery is to help identify family origins by surname and style of dress. For example, the 1st three surnames shown below (Metkovic', Memed, and Kukuljica) are specific to the Konavle region of southern Croatia and found in very few other regions. And the style of dress is also specific to this region. So, if you are researching any of these surnames or if you have an old photo that shows this type of national dress, then those people are likely to be from this area.

We will eventually show many more photos. This section has just begun. If you would like to submit a photo, please send us an e-mail. Describe the photo and state why you would like for it to appear here. Remember that it must serve a purpose other than to just have Grandma's photo on the web. Please do not e-mail the photo unannounced. Most photos here will be pre-WWI.

Index of photo collections on this website.
For more photos of nos"nja (national dress) see here.
For images of old postcards, see here.

Click on a thumbnail below to go to a larger version and more information. Subjects are named left to right unless otherwise noted.




Ana Metkovic'-Bajo Memed
& her niece Ana Brajevic'
Village: Mikulic'i in Konavle.
Photo: ~1910. (27K)

Jovo (Ivo) & Mare Kukuljica
& 3 of their children.
Village: Ploc"ice in Konavle.
Photo: ~1916. (17K)

Niko Metkovic',
Mato Brajevic'
Village: Mikulic'i in Konavle.
Photo: ~1916. (23K)




Pave Kukuljica, Luce Kukuljica
Village: Ploc"ice in Konavle
Photo: ~1913. (19K)

Nike Brajevic' of Mikulic'i,
Mato Rilovic' of Radovc"ic'i.
Photo: ~1910. (34K)

Blazius & Elizabeth Baic'
of Aljmas", E. Croatia.
Photo: 1905.
Jana (Pernar) Klinc"ic' and daughter.
Village: Prigorje nr. Zagreb.
Photo: ~1900.
Men at the market in Zagreb.
From National Geographic
Magazine of 1908.
Sitting is Mare Ljevak Purin
holding her son, Lovro.
Village: Buic'i, Z"upa.
~1913 in Dubrovnik.
Sitting is Stjepo Purin and his
brother, Anton(?).
Village: Buic'i, Z"upa
(near Dubrovnik)