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Travel guide registry

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This is a list of English-speaking travel guides in Croatia:

These people can make your next trip to Croatia more pleasant.

To register on this list, please e-mail us

Abbreviations as shown in the chart below:
Kn = kuna (around 18 U.S. cents)
hr = hour

Note: This website makes no endorsement of these guides.

(The entries in red are examples and not actual guides. Actual guides are in black.)
Name Area Rates Contact Comments
Antun Brajevic'
Dubrovnik area,
Split to Montenegro
80 Kn/hr as guide only;
130 Kn/hr if driving yr car
170 Kn/hr if driving his car
minimum 4 hrs.
Within Croatia:
098/786-389 or
Outside Croatia:
+ 385/98/786-389 or
+ 385/20/794-312
Can drive your rental
car; will act as family
liaison. 30 yrs exp.
Ana Vus"ic'' Split 80-120 Kn/hr + 385 21 366-xxx family contact
Ivo Ivankovic' Dubrovnik 80 Kn/hr min. of 2 hours;
see your home village
Kate Milic' Rijeka ask specializing in folklore