Croatian National Costumes by Ivica Ivankovic', ISBN 953-6060-10-8, photos by Vladimir S"imunic'; 13.25" x 9.65"; 224 pp. includes 4 pages of bibliography and other sources. 2001.

This is the finest book on Croatian national dress (nosnje) that I have ever seen. The writing and the photography are both done exceptionally well. It's a "coffee table" book built to last a long, long time, as well it should because your great-great-grandchildren will be looking at it, too.

An attempt was made in this book to show the nosnje of most of Croatia including Croatian immigrant communities in Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Moravia (see the bottom 4 or 5 images in the samples to the left; scroll down).

We present here a sampling of about 30 of the photos. There are a total of 200 or more in the book.

This book can be ordered from here.